7 Days and 6 Nights of Using the MP3 Clone Remover

Day 1. Ugh, how sick and tired I am of listening to the same MP3 songs now and then. My only wish is to enjoy the music!!! I wonder how many duplicates are there on my PC... probably hundreds or even thousands... Having thoroughly examined my computer and local disks, I merely got shocked (!!!): there are tons and tons of MP3 clones in different folders preventing me from enjoying listening to my favorite songs; I must have completely forgotten about many of them when adding them again... BTW, they occupy a good deal of my disk space... I don't know what to do...
Day 2. While listening to my 'all-cloned' MP3 collection today, I got more and more irritated every minute... They are repeated even more than once... Just virtual wars - 'attack of the clones'... Well, I've got to do something with that... That's settled.
Day 3. A group mate told me today about some MP3 clone remover. Well, what's the name of it? Ah, yeah, Audio Comparer; he is in a rave about it ... Hmm, let's see... Working with all formats, having a built-in player, a multistep confirmation system, CPU optimization - it sounds okay...
Day 4. I downloaded this almighty clone remover for free; it seems all right and professional. Well, let's test it and see whether it is as powerful as they say... Hmm, not bad! I got this program to remove copies from one of the numerous folders with songs. I should say I'm rather satisfied with the result... Well, the mercury is rising :)
Day 5. Well, it's the moment of truth today! Today, I'll try to get Audio Comparer to process all my MP3 files. Let's see whether it's a tough nut to crack for this MP3 duplicate remover or not... Gigabytes of music, and who knows how many clones... Poor thing!))
Day 6. Well, I'm at a loss for words! Great! The result has even surpassed my wildest expectations!!! Tons of MP3 clones were detected and neutralized forever (removed, to be exact :). What's more, it has removed all the clones from my iTunes library as well! My music collection is now just as pure as the driven snow - not a clone or duplicate is driving me crazy anymore! Nothing prevents me from listening to my music, nothing. Only music - no clones! I can hardly believe it... This nightmare is all over! Thanks to Audio Comparer!
Day 7. I met Tony today. Haven't seen him for ages. He's changed a lot. We've been talking for hours, discussing everything on earth! It goes without saying that I told him about my recent troubles and the happy ending; he looks extremely interested in this clone remover, and it seems to me that I know why.. :)
Our customers say
"Music is my love and my life for a long time already. I've been working with music for so long that my hard drive is full of audio files, many of them are duplicates... I rejected the idea to organize them all manually, because it would be just impossible, but Audio Comparer did its very best and coped with it masterly! Thank you very much for your work! Highly recommend to all people having large music collections!"
Vincent Howard - Rating: 4.7